The Dengue Awareness
Rally was conducted on August 3, 2024, in Dotharabanddi and Tadkal
villages. The event aimed at raising awareness about dengue fever
and motivating the public to maintain a clean and hygienic
environment to prevent the spread of the disease. The rally was
organized by Vimukti Pothnal, in collaboration with the Primary
Health Centre Pothnal. The objectives are Educate the Public About
Dengue Fever: Provide information on symptoms, causes, and treatment
options. Promote Preventive Measures: Emphasize the importance of
maintaining a clean environment to eliminate mosquito breeding
sites. Encourage Community Participation: Foster a sense of
responsibility among residents to keep their surroundings clean. The
Dengue Awareness Rally was a successful event, achieving its
objectives of educating the public about dengue fever and motivating
them to keep their surroundings clean and hygienic. Continued
efforts and regular awareness campaigns are essential to maintain
momentum and ensure long-term community participation in dengue
prevention. 280 families benefited from this program.