“Good health is the
most important thing. More than success, more than money, more than
power.” Vimukti Charitable Trust® at Banakal in its efforts to
promote good health and wellbeing among its beneficiaries conducted
a precautionary awareness program regarding tuberculosis (TB) and
HIV/AIDS. Mr. Harish, Counsellor from Health Department of Mudigere,
Mr. Shivaraj, Ayushman Bharath staff were the resource persons of
the day. A detailed information was provided regarding illnesses and
measures to be taken to be away from the same. Mr. Nasir, the lab
personnel of Mudigere Health Department conducted the medical test
of the beneficiaries. Mrs. Sushila, the supervisor, Sr. Shantha from
Banakal PHC were also present. 82 women participated in this
awareness program and underwent the precautionary medical test.