A community-based
training on Women’s rights and legal awareness was organized at
Vimukti Premises on 02.11.2022. nearly 145 women participated in
this training program. The main objectives of this training program
are to seek justice for women, safeguard their rights, and promote
women’s empowerment. To impart practical knowledge about the basic
legal rights and remedies provided under various women related laws,
thereby making them fit to face the challenges in real life
situations. To make the women aware of the various
machineries/organs of the justice delivery system available for
redressal of their problems/ grievances. The procedure of
approaching and utilizing various channels available for the
redressal of grievances. i.e., the Police, the Executive and the
Judiciary and role of courts in achieving gender equality, most
importantly the concept of public interest litigation. The training
facilitator emphasised the women about their rights as provided
under the various laws including the Indian Penal code 1860, the
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, the prevention of Domestic Violence to
Women act, 2005 etc. the meaning of law, various social security
legislations, free legal aid to the poor, Indian Evidence act,
various modes of disputes settlement mechanisms etc, Lok Adalats,
family Courts, Mahila courts, crime Against women Cells, State
commissions etc. were explain in length. In the after-noon sessions
there was discussion on its possible solutions like education for
all and making every woman empowered. Due to illiteracy, poverty,
lack of publicity on the laws and other reasons, many women are
unaware of the laws and the importance of the constitution, and how
to act within the law, how to knock on the door of the courts and
how to deal with injustices legally were explained. The women
participated in the session actively were thanked and sessions were
winded up with vote of thanks.