The Lok Munch leaders and Janavedike members submitted the memorandum to
Basavanagowda Turvihala, MLA in demanding the basic facilities in their
village. Vimukti Pothnal
In collaboration with the Vimukti
Charitable Trust®, the Lok Munch and Jana-vedike leaders from Sunkunooru
village, 1st ward, Manvi Taluka, Raichur demanded Basvanagowda Turvihala,
MLA in submitting the memorandum regarding the basic facilities like
water, street lights, drainage facilities, etc. The entire village is
surrounded by stagnated water makes their life most difficult to live
in. Most of the time children are prone to various sicknesses like
malaria, diarrhea, dengue, and chicken gunya, vomiting, skin diseases,
etc. Moreover, the village is the potential ground for the breeding of
the mosquitos where even the animals also find difficult to cope with
this situation. So, to say along with the people they too are badly
affected with the adverse situation. Fed up with these above issues the
leaders of Lok Munch and Jana-vedike submitted the memorandum in
demanding that their village need to have a good basic facility for
them, for their children and the domestic animals. In highlighting the
issues, they demanded from the Basavanagowda Turvihala, MLA in writing
that he will fulfill all their demands without delay within the short
period of time. The Vimukti staff encouraged the leaders for animating
themselves in taking courage to raise the basic issue for the sake of
the village.