Vimukti Charitable Trust (r) Pothnal in
collaboration with Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation New Delhi and
Spandana Belagavi Celebrated International Human Rights Day organized
various activities in Markumdinni High school. In the keynote address Mr,
Arogyappa, Vimukti staff, described about the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR), and said that everyone should join hands to prevent
violation of human rights. Everyone should take steps to uphold and
promote the rights of all human beings. He explained about the services
of CHILDLINE 1098 and how CHILDLINE team would reach out to any child in
need of care and protection.
Mr. Jaysheel, Coordinator, Vimukti, addressed the gathering and
explained about Juvenile Justice Act and POCSO Act. Mr. Thiru Pari
School teacher, explained about Drug addiction and the ill-effects of
consuming alcohol and drugs. Children should avoid the use of drugs and
alcohol, he said. Over two hundred and twenty children and teachers
participated in this programme. Mr. Charlie SVP cordinator, spoke about
UNO, empowered children about Human Rights and acts. A few incidents of
Human Rights Violations were shared and discussed. Children were
motivated to restore Human rights and help others in difficult
situations as much as possible and briefed about the importance of the
day and explained about the human rights and the importance of
protecting and promoting human rights. Twenty-three youth participated
in the celebration. The Price of Free and Jhalki film screening was
done, participants were very attentive and raise the questions and said
that they would protect their village from child labour, child marriage
and human trafficking. On the whole the program was very positive and
ended with positive note.